3.4.2. The sequence of actions of the investor in the two-stage design of the object
Conclusion of a contract with the general designer for design and survey works
Performing survey work if necessary
Performing survey work if necessary
Development of an architectural project in accordance with TKP 45-1.02-295-2014 “Construction. Design documentation. Composition and development order ”
Approval of the project with state and local government bodies if there are deviations from the tnpa and technical conditions
Coordination of the project with the territorial division of architecture and urban planning
Obtaining the conclusion of the state examination of the project, if necessary
Approval of an architectural design
Conclusion of a contract for the implementation of architectural supervision, if it is not included in the main design contract
Development of a construction project as a whole for an object or for construction phases (with the allocation of launch complexes)
Registration of the declaration of conformity of design documentation