Ski resort "Semigorye in Mstislavl"
Mstislavl, Lesnaya st., 20
Mstislavl utility company "Zhilkomkhoz"
General characteristics
Complex of objects
Components8 guest houses, bathhouse
Land plot area (ha)6.3
Coverage of the land plotgrass
Purpose of useServices
Other purpose of usetourism
Number of storeys2
Walls materiallog
Dividing wallsYes
Interior finishNo
Ventilation systemYes
Sanitary zones or other restrictionsno
More infoThe Semigorye ski resort was opened in the fall of 2011 in Mstislavl in a picturesque place (Zarechye tract) near the Vihra River. The ski resort is designed for both professional athletes and ordinary tourists. A 2.5 km long roller ski track, illuminated at night, was prepared for them. In addition to the slope, the ski base includes guest houses and a bathhouse. There are eight double guest houses on the territory of Semigorye (area 16.3, 14.2, 13.5, 14.0, 13.7, 16.8, 15.9, 19.1 sq. m.). There is also one larger house (with an area of 185.4 sq. m.). It is designed for eight residents. “Semigorye” is good because here you can not only ski, but also choose another, less extreme type of recreation. For example, come with your family or just a group of friends and live in the fresh air in a comfortable house. Here, a bathhouse, traditional for Belarusian agrotourism, will be availab
Access road
Transport infrastructure descriptionaccess road - asphalt road
Engineering infrastructureElectricity, Gas supply
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