Mineral fertilizer warehouse
Mosty, 35 A/6, Zheleznodorozhnikov str.
Sale, Other
State enterprise Mostovskaya Selskhoztekhnika
181 868
General characteristics
Separate object
Land plot area (ha)0.64
Purpose of useIndustry, Services, Transport & Logistics, Agriculture (incl. processing), Other
Number of storeys1
Walls materialsilicate brick
Dividing wallsYes
Interior finishNo
Ventilation systemYes
Sanitary zones or other restrictionsno
Other significant facilitiesis near the railroad tracks
Highway, Main republican roads, Airport, Railway, Access road
30 (distance from the object, km)
Main republican roadsР41
3.8 (distance from the object, km)
50 (distance from the property, km)
Railway2.5 km from Mosty railway station
0.2 (distance from the property, km)
Access roadsZheleznodorozhnikov St.
0.1 (distance from the property, km)
Engineering infrastructureElectricity, Heating system, Drinking water, Industrial water, Wells, Sewerage, Gas supply
Electricity supplyConnection to the substation of a mineral fertilizer base with a capacity of up to 30 kW
Heating systeminstallation of a boiler plant using local fuels
Drinking waterwater supply system is connected to the building, water intake from the water tower
Indusrial waterwater supply system is connected to the building, water intake from the water tower
Wellsextraction volume 40 cubic meters per hour
0.2 (distance from the property, km)
Seweragefrom the central network on Sovetskaya St.
1.46 (distance from the object, km)
Gas supplyfrom the central network on Zheleznodorozhnikov St.
0.5 (distance from the property, km)
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